Get Sober Help

Monday, June 13, 2005

Getting Sober

First things first, OK. It aint gonna be easy. Dont let anyone tell you it is. It's gonna suck, plain and simple. But so does any abrupt change we humans are faced with. Move out of state and leave your friends and family... You'll be miserable for months, right? Nicotine withdraw sucks big time (or so I hear... I smoke like a chimney). Folks that loose limbs some times take years to begin coping and regaining some resemblance of a normal life. The fact is, CHANGE HURTS. But heres the deal, from one real alchoholic to another... The alternative to getting sober is staying a drunk. Alchohol has kicked your ass. Your NOT having fun any more. I'll tell you from my own heart felt experiance... If your any where near the LOWEST level of self esteem, self confidence, moral awareness, and continuose sanity youve ever been at... Your ready to quit drinking. Perhaps youve lost your job. Mabye your wife has left you or is planning to. Youve gone to jail, wrecked your car, closed your buisness, your children hate you, or your friends have abandoned you. It's not time for me to tell you my story yet, but I can tell you this. Your NOT ALONE. As alchoholics, we've made terrible mistakes. We've had lapses in moral and character judjment that we some times dare not even bring up amongst others. Other folks have even told us things we've done that we cannot believe are true. In short, alchohol has destroyed the "good" person we once were. We became despicable beings. Now we must restore who and what we were. The good news is that everyone quits drinking. My question to you.. will it be before, or after your dead? (more to come)...


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