Am I an alcoholic?
A commonly asked question among those who drink. You may hear some say, "Only you know", or "only you can admit that". While it's true, one of the first steps to recovery is admidtance, there are some very plain tell tale ways to determine if one is, indeed, an alcoholic. Heres a few things you can ask yourself.
"Do I drink more than once a week, or do I drink heavily at least once a week?
"Do I drink concistantly, that is, be it only one drink or several, do I look forward to having it at a particular time/day/week?
Do I find it hard to stop after one or two drinks?
Does drinking tend to be my form of relaxation after a hard day or stressfull situation?
Have I ever said "I should stop drinking" but havnt yet?
These are just a few of the clues of course, other more obviouse signs are "I drink till I pass out"
"I dont remember what I did" and "my drinking affects my family, social, or buisness life"
In most cases, if your totaly honest with yourself, (wich by the way doesnt meen you admit anything to anyone else) but are simply in your own heart of hearts square with your SELF alone... you know if you have a problem with alcohol. Once you have asked yourself "Am I an alcoholic?" the awnser is already painfully clear.
this site sux. alcohol is the way out so f*** u.
i luv dis site. it made me realize that i am an alcoholic, alchohol is bad and i'm never drinking again.
Why even come to an alcoholic site to talk bad to someone who obviously is trying to help. Apparently both of you already realized you have a problem.
who ever comes to an alcohol site and says bad stuff about the site is dumb. you should come to this site for help, not to make fun of someone or something that is trying to help you quit and make yourself better. you guys really need help. i came here for help and it does. maybe you should try to quit or get help because you need it.
I 2 @ one time at the age of 23 wondered what an alcoholic was and if I was one. Well it took a yr for more to be revealed to me by an ole timer saying -- do you drink for the effect? if yes, then you have your answer.
Also another ole timer said that they never heard of a social drinker questioning themselves if they had a problem or alcoholic. me to thinking. Now 22 yrs later, I know for a fact I am one and grateful there was a solution to my insanity.
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