Grandchild #2 !
Thats right...
My daughter gave birth at 5:30 AM yesterday to a tiny little five pound fifteen ounce baby boy. You know, most of my childrens life I spent drunk. They probably missed the best of me... I wasn't always the best father or husband. Thats the past, and now my family knows me for the man I am and can be. I cant help feeling blessed that my grand children have a sober grandfather, a caring, loving, gentle me.
And my daughters.... they are happy with that. If I live a life full of guilt and remorse over my past self.... arent I ruining my chances of being the best I can be.... for my children's children? Sobriety offers a new way of life... a chance to fix the past, and a chance to live the future the way we should have lived the past. It's called a do-over. I dont know why we get these do-overs, but we do, and what a wonderfull gift. Listen... are you the man/woman... you always wanted to be? Or are your children or grand children missing out on the best of the best of you? I encourage you to read some more here. Follow some of the links in the right panel if you think it will help. Tommorows comming, but it doesnt have to be like today.
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