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Monday, April 30, 2007

The Alcoholic Mind

I once got real drunk and passed out with a ciggarette. It burned a big hole right in the middle of my chest. I never even felt it... untill the next day that is. Man that hurt. My wife explained that she had smelled my flesh burning in the next room, and came in and removed the ciggarette.
I remember thinking the next day... "I should probably stop smoking..."

Thats the way the alcoholic mind works.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

nine million engaged in delinquent behavior

Almost 8.6 million youths ages 12 to 17, over one third of this age group, used alcohol in the past year, data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) show. The data, released as part of Alcohol Awareness Month, show more than 650,000 youth (2.6 percent) reported heavy alcohol use, and nine million engaged in at least one delinquent behavior in the past year.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Grandchild #2 !

Thats right...
My daughter gave birth at 5:30 AM yesterday to a tiny little five pound fifteen ounce baby boy. You know, most of my childrens life I spent drunk. They probably missed the best of me... I wasn't always the best father or husband. Thats the past, and now my family knows me for the man I am and can be. I cant help feeling blessed that my grand children have a sober grandfather, a caring, loving, gentle me.
And my daughters.... they are happy with that. If I live a life full of guilt and remorse over my past self.... arent I ruining my chances of being the best I can be.... for my children's children? Sobriety offers a new way of life... a chance to fix the past, and a chance to live the future the way we should have lived the past. It's called a do-over. I dont know why we get these do-overs, but we do, and what a wonderfull gift. Listen... are you the man/woman... you always wanted to be? Or are your children or grand children missing out on the best of the best of you? I encourage you to read some more here. Follow some of the links in the right panel if you think it will help. Tommorows comming, but it doesnt have to be like today.

Monday, April 23, 2007

A few thoughts...

To begin a journey three things are required.
Our feet, to walk with,
the ground, to walk on,
and courage,
to take the first step.
Take away our feet,
and we may crawl.
Take away the land,
and we may swim, or fly.
But take away our courage...
and we go no where.


If I could pray for God, what would I say?
" I ask nothing of you God...
I just wanted you to know...
I understand...
That my will is yours...
That whatever you decide...
I humbly accept."
I think that would be praying for God.

Let me carry another mans load.
For should the heavier load be thine,
Gratefull I will be for mine.


You can change your mind
if you dont mind change...

All great floods started with a single rain drop

Some people live like they were about to die...
some live like they will never die.
I prefer to just live
. today .

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Information for families

Facts for the Friends and Families of Alcoholics
There are many resources on this site which are intended to help those who have a drinking problem, but also just as many for the families and friends of alcoholics. After all, alcoholism is considered a "family disease"

Saturday, April 21, 2007

An interview with God

This is something that caught my eye today, and I really enjoyed. Have a look here...

I hope you enjoy it.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

My Story (part four)

I knew I would have to cut down... I promised my wife I would. I was just barely holding my job, but that was all. I was of no help around the house, no help with the bills, or my now almost two year old daughter. Consuming two cases of beer almost daily was taking a toll on me physically. I was beginning to have serious problems. Some Id rather not talk about in graphic detail here.
I was only in my twenties and my body was acting like eighty five. Our marriage suffered, our sex life suffered ... our child suffered.
At nights I would become increasingly aggressive and meen. During more serious fights, my wife would often pick our little girl out of bed and hold her... Id back off then. Inside, I didnt want to hurt any one, least of all my loved ones.
Mentaly, I was destroying us all. Over and over, I promised to stop drinking. One morning I awoke on the front porch, in my shorts and a tee shirt. How many people had gone by and seen me there, passed out? Another time I passed out on the bed while my wife watched TV. Smelling something burning in, she came in the room to see a ciggerette burning a hole in my chest. I didnt even wake up till the next day. I considered stopping smoking... but kept drinking.
Then there was the big fight. One night in a rage I left the house in our car and sped around the block. I ended up in a ditch with police cars behind me. It was the first time Id ever driven drunk. The next morning I realized for the first time that I was loosing all judgement.
I was scared. Terrified.
I went to work that day and told a co-worker I needed help. I knew her and her husband were members of an alcoholics anonymous group. They took me to a meeting that night, and he came to my house and removed all the beer and alcohol I had.
Through out the house we collected empty beer cans in every room. They were every where... in the kitchen, bathroom, closets. Under the bed. I was about to become alcohol free for the first time in almost ten years. But how long could I stay sober?

I Always need content

Im always looking for content here at GSH, so if you have questions, an interesting alcohol related site, article or story, please email me from the links in the right panel. Or feel free to leave a coment under any post on any page.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Because I can...

If I only have one day left, just one,I would rather spend it being helpfull to some one else then being totally helpless.
If only have I one hour,Id rather spend it being usefull, than usless.
If only a moment shall pass, Id rather face it fearlessly than a meek shell of a man.
Id rather ... and I can.

What an amazing transformation, from hopless drunk to one that others might get a spark of hope from. From a selfish, self centered arogant and egotistical mess to a guy that finds happiness in the success of others. When I came to discover that true happiness was not
manufactured within... thats when I found true happiness.